Thursday, 17 February 2011

Two Performances at 100° Festival

Lucy Beynon & Lisa Jeschke
john hurts [from idiot]

Sat, 26 February 2011, 9pm
100° Festival
HAU 3 Probebühne, Berlin

unintelligible demystifying piece to last forty-five minutes. neither very theatrical, nor audible, nor particularly important. certainly idealistic though. and quick. too quick some might say.

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Styles J. Kauphmann
Transcription: for two loudspeakers, violinist, and empty stage

Sat, 26 February 2011, 10pm
100° Festival
Sophiensæle, Galerie Jarmuschek, Berlin

Anti-performance piece comprising sinewave duet, unamplified violin accompaniment, and free traversal of space by listeners.

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